Writing the Perfect Training Reminder Email for Employees

Published on October 10, 2023

Writing the Perfect Training Reminder Email for Employees

Online training sessions have become an indispensable part of the modern workplace. They offer flexibility, scalability, and convenience. Yet, due to the virtual nature of these sessions, there's always the risk of employees treating them as less urgent than in-person events or simply overlooking them amidst their busy email inboxes. A well-composed reminder email can effectively address this issue. We offer suggestions on what elements to include below as well as several reminder email templates for your use as you craft your own.

If you are using the Groundwork1 simple learning management system, then we automatically send the reminder emails for you! Training materials are delivered directly to an employees inbox. We track the completion of training materials such as quizzes, videos, downloads, and more. If an employee fails to complete their required materials, then the system will automatically send reminder emails 2-5 times after the training deadline has passed.

What to include when composing a compelling online training reminder email:

  1. Clear Subject Line: Be direct. A subject like "Reminder: Please complete your online training!" instantly communicates the message.
  2. Personalization: A personal touch can make all the difference. Use the employee's first name to grab attention and convey importance.
  3. Date and Time: Specify the date and start and end times of the training. Include the time zone if your organization spans multiple regions.
  4. Purpose and Benefits: Highlight why this training matters. Let them know the skills they'll acquire and how it'll boost their current role.
  5. Agenda or Topics: Give a brief overview of the core modules or discussions. This sets the stage and lets employees know what to anticipate.
  6. Access Instructions: Clearly detail:

    • The platform being used (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.)
    • The link to join the session
    • Any necessary passwords or access codes
    • Technical prerequisites, if any (e.g., software installations)
  7. What to Prepare: Should they read a document beforehand? Or maybe familiarize themselves with certain tools? List out any preparatory tasks.
  8. RSVP or Confirmation: Even for online sessions, it's helpful to gauge attendance. Ask them to confirm their participation. For in person sessions be sure to mention the upcoming event and location.
  9. Contact Point: Offer a helpline or an email contact in case they encounter technical issues or have content-related queries.
  10. Engaging Visuals: Incorporate relevant graphics or visuals related to the training topic. This could be anything from infographics to a simple thematic background.
  11. Reminders: Indicate if there will be another reminder closer to the session. This can mentally prepare the recipient.
  12. Feedback Mechanism: Since online training can always be improved, encourage feedback post-session. This shows that you value their input.
  13. Call to Action (CTA): Conclude with a definitive CTA, like "Save the Date" or "Set a Reminder." It's a nudge to take action.
  14. Professional yet Friendly Tone: Being virtual shouldn't mean being distant. Use a tone that's both professional and approachable.

Training Reminder Email Sample (Online)

When composing a reminder email for an online training session, strike a balance between professionalism and accessibility. Emphasize the value and relevance of the training in an encouraging manner. Given the virtual nature of the training, make sure to show enough enthusiasm that can come across in your email. Use clear and succinct language, demonstrating respect for participants' time. Offer gratitude for their engagement and highlight the convenience and advantages of online learning.

Subject: Reminder: Complete Your Online Training by [Deadline Date]

Dear [Team/Employee Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As part of our continuous commitment to professional development and regulatory compliance, we would like to remind everyone to complete their designated online training modules.

  • Training Deadline: Please ensure that you finish the training by [Deadline Date].
  • Accessing the Training: For those who haven’t started yet or are in progress, you can access the training modules via [Training Platform/Website URL].
  • Duration & Requirements: Each module will take approximately [X hours] to complete and may include quizzes or assessments to test your understanding. Ensure you allocate enough time to thoroughly understand the content.
  • Technical Assistance: If you face any technical issues or have questions regarding the training platform, please contact our IT support team at [IT Support Email] or [IT Support Phone Number].

We understand everyone is juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities, but these trainings are critical not only for individual growth but also to ensure our company remains compliant and continues to uphold the standards we’re recognized for. Your cooperation and dedication are truly appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Let's all do our part to ensure we maintain the highest level of professionalism and knowledge in our industry.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Training Reminder Email Sample (In Person)

When crafting an event reminder email, maintain a tone that is both professional and approachable. This friendly reminder should convey the importance of the upcoming training without coming off as overly stern. Express enthusiasm about the opportunity for growth and collaboration the training offers. Use clear and concise language, which underscores respect for the reader's time, and always show appreciation for their commitment and participation.

Subject: Reminder: Important Training Session on [Date]

Dear [Team/Employee Name],

We are looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming training for "[Specific Topic]". I just want to provide a friendly reminder for the scheduled session on [Date] at [Time]. This training has been tailored to address the needs and challenges of our industry and our organization.

Key Details:

  • Date: [Specify Date]
  • Time: [Specify Time]
  • Location: [Specify Location – e.g., Conference Room A or Virtual Meeting Link]
  • Trainer: [Name of the Trainer or Organization]
  • Duration: [Specify Duration]

Why To Attend:

This training is a vital component of our ongoing efforts to equip our team with the latest skills and knowledge. Here are a few reasons why this session is crucial:

  1. Skill Enhancement: The training will provide essential skills and knowledge relevant to our current projects and future initiatives.
  2. Networking: For those in the office, it's an opportunity to interact with colleagues and share experiences.
  3. Continuous Improvement: As we adapt to changing business landscapes, this session will aid in keeping us ahead of the curve.

How To Prepare:

  1. Please ensure you have reviewed any pre-training materials sent to you earlier.
  2. Block out the specified time in your calendar to minimize disruptions.
  3. For virtual attendees, please ensure your internet connection is stable, and you have the necessary software/app installed.

If, for some unavoidable reason, you cannot attend, please let your supervisor know and reach out to [HR Person or Relevant Contact]. We will look into possibilities for you to catch up or reschedule.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to professional growth. Let's make the most of this opportunity to learn and further our collective expertise.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Training reminder emails should be more than just a nudge. They should encapsulate the importance of the training, simplify the process of attending, and create an atmosphere of eager anticipation. For in person training event reminder emails are important when timed a day before the meeting. When crafted correctly, they can not only increase attendance rates but also foster a culture of continuous digital learning.

If you are looking for a sample training announcement email to employees and what elements to include we also have a helpful article that covers this topic in depth. Maybe it can be helpful to you as you write and prepare your employee training.

employee training on laptop

Here to help

Whether you are deciding if this is the right solution for you or ready to send out your first employee training emails, our goal is to help simplify your team's training. Contact us today for a demo or sign up to try it out.