Groundwork1 Features

Learning Management Software that is easy to use, and simple for employees to complete their training and get back to work.

Email Lessons

As easy as email

Your employees complete each lesson the same way they would read their favorite email newsletter: within their own inbox. Lesson materials can include text and images as well as interactive modules like videos, quizzes, downloads, checkboxes, and links.

Groundwork1 Employee Training Email

Landing Pages

No passwords required

Clicking on interactive links within the emails bring employees to professional looking branded lesson landing pages without the need to login. They can watch videos, take quizzes, download files, or complete necessary tasks on pages like these.

Branded Employee Training Video

Lesson Designer

Launch Faster

Our capable lesson designer allows you as the training manager to drag and drop content into the order that fits your audience's learning needs. You can choose to split the lesson into multiple scheduled emails, or deliver it all right away.

Drag and Drop Lesson Designer

Team Progress

Always be in the know

As the training manager you can keep tabs on which employees have completed their training and who has not yet. If needed you can export reports or view an individual team member's course progress.

Branded Employee Training Video

Other Helpful Features

Video Built In

Upload videos for cross-platform play without ads or distracting "related videos". Or embed from YouTube or Vimeo.

Straightforward Quizzes

Test employees to check their understanding and comprehension of the course materials.

Digital Signatures

Have team members indicate they understand and agree by checking a box or completing a digital e-signature.

Secure Downloads

Upload documents knowing they are securely stored, and you know if you team has downloaded them.

Action Buttons

Use action buttons like a to do list asking employees to confirm an action they have taken outside the system.

Text & Images

Explain training content with headlines, rich text and images to guide your learners through the process.

employee training on laptop

Here to help

Whether you are deciding if this is the right solution for you or ready to send out your first employee training emails, our goal is to help simplify your team's training. Contact us today for a demo or sign up to try it out.