Bite-sized Learning with Big Impact: The Groundwork1 Microlearning App

Published on October 10, 2023

Bite-sized Learning with Big Impact: The Groundwork1 Microlearning App

In today's fast-paced world, professionals and students alike are constantly searching for effective ways to learn and grow without investing massive chunks of time. Enter Groundwork1, a microlearning app designed to bridge the gap between the busy lives of its users and the endless opportunities that come from consistent learning. Instead of presenting corporate training programs in lengthy courses or webinars, Groundwork1 sends out bite-sized training lessons directly via email. But why is this approach proving to be such a hit? Let's delve in.

What is a Microlearning App?

Before we get to the specifics of the Groundwork1 microlearning platform, it's essential to understand the concept of microlearning.

Microlearning is a modern instructional design strategy that involves delivering content in short, focused segments to help with knowledge retention. These bite-sized learning units, which typically last anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes, are designed to provide learners with easily digestible information on a specific topic or skill. Unlike traditional training methods that often provide extensive information in longer formats, microlearning focuses on the essentials, breaking down complex subjects into manageable chunks. This approach is well-suited for today's fast-paced, digital-centric world where attention spans are dwindling.

One of the primary strengths of microlearning courses are their flexibility and adaptability. Given the concise nature of the content, short form microlearning modules can be easily incorporated into a variety of learning environments: they can be standalone units addressing a specific topic, parts of a larger training course, or even reinforcement tools post-training. With the rise of mobile technology, microlearning has gained popularity, as these short bursts of content can be conveniently accessed on smartphones, tablets, or other portable devices, allowing learners to engage with the material during commutes, breaks, or any spare moment. This on-demand access not only facilitates continuous learning but also caters to the learner's immediate needs or performance support in real-time.

In addition, microlearning proves highly effective in reinforcing retention and application of knowledge. The spaced repetition of these short learning units, combined with their relevance to immediate challenges, helps in cementing the information in the learner's memory. Furthermore, by focusing on one specific topic or skill at a time, microlearning reduces cognitive overload, enabling learners to better absorb, recall, and apply what they've learned. As the corporate and educational landscapes continue to evolve, the emphasis on quick, efficient, and effective learning strategies is pushing microlearning to the forefront of modern instructional methodologies.

Groundwork1: The Concept

The Groundwork1 learning management system realized the potential of microlearning early on and chose a delivery method almost everyone uses: email. Rather than having users log into yet another separate platform or app, Groundwork1 delivers concise lessons straight to employee inboxes.

Each lesson's training material can be meticulously designed to provide maximum value in a minimal amount of time. The easy to use content creation tool allows you to create microlearning courses that include interactive elements such as short videos, quizzes, document downloads, resource links, and more. Whether it's a brief overview of a concept, an enlightening fact, or a quick challenge to test one's skills, Groundwork1's emails don't need to take more than a few minutes to consume and can make learning fun.

Each email sent to an employee is specific to that employe and tracks their training progress through required modules. You can assign a reasonable deadline for each training email. One of the key features is email reminders. If an employee fails to complete their microlearning lesson within the timeframe then a series of email reminders are delivered to the employee encouraging them to complete their training materials. This frees you from having to follow up manually via email and gives you reporting tools to know that your training is being completed.

Why Email For Training Delivery?

You might wonder why Groundwork1 chose email as their primary mode of delivering content. The answer is rooted in simplicity and accessibility:

  1. Universality: Almost everyone has an email account. It's a universal platform, not limited by device type, operating system, or geographical constraints.
  2. Convenience: Checking emails is already a part of our daily routine. By integrating learning into this routine, Groundwork1 ensures that lessons aren't skipped or forgotten.
  3. Flexibility: Users can view their microlessons whenever they have a free moment, be it during a coffee break, waiting for a meeting to start, or before bed.
  4. Short: Email is the perfect format to deliver short form educational content. We already expect to be able to digest bite sized chucks of information at our own pace.
  5. Mobile Friendly: Over 60% of emails are already opened on mobile devices. Making mobile learning a perfect fit for emails.

The Advantages of Groundwork1's Approach

  1. Retention: By offering information in smaller bits, Groundwork1 capitalizes on the psychological principle that our brains are more likely to retain short, focused segments of information.
  2. Gamification: Lessons can be delivered with quick challenges or quizzes, turning learning into a fun, game-like experience. This not only enhances learner engagement but also serves as a feedback mechanism for the learner.
  3. Scalability: For businesses, Groundwork1 offers a scalable solution to train employees. Companies can onboard multiple members at different times, track their progress, and send automated reminders.

What audiences and groups do microlearning platforms work best for?

Microlearning is versatile and can be beneficial for various audiences or groups. Here are some of the groups for whom microlearning is especially effective:

  1. Busy Professionals: Those with demanding jobs and tight schedules often find it challenging to dedicate long hours to training. Microlearning modules, which might be just a few minutes long, can fit seamlessly into their daily routine.
  2. Millennials and Generation Z: Attention spans are decreasing from what they are familiar with in their digital upbringing. They are used to quick bursts of information, making microlearning a natural fit.
  3. Mobile Learners: People who frequently use smartphones and tablets for learning benefit from microlearning because the content is often designed to be mobile-friendly. Short lessons can be consumed during commutes, breaks, or any short downtime.
  4. Field Workers: Those who work outside an office setting, such as salespeople, technicians, and medical representatives, might not always have prolonged access to training materials. Microlearning can be easily accessed on-the-go from mobile devices.
  5. Volunteers: Volunteers are often juggling multiple responsibilities, they can benefit from bite-sized learning modules that cater to their varied schedules and commitments. Rapid onboarding, just-in-time training, and targeted skill development, making Groundwork1 an efficient and effective tool in volunteer training and engagement.
  6. Employees Undergoing Continuous Training: For industries and jobs where continuous training is a requirement, microlearning can keep information fresh and top-of-mind without overwhelming learners.
  7. Retail and Hospitality Workers: In industries with high turnover rates, quick and efficient training is crucial. Microlearning can help onboard new employees faster and provide just-in-time training for specific tasks.
  8. People with Cognitive and Learning Challenges: Some individuals might find it challenging to concentrate or process information over extended periods. Microlearning allows them to digest information in manageable chunks.
  9. Just-In-Time Learners: This includes people who need to learn something quickly for immediate application. For instance, someone might want to quickly understand a software function they're not familiar with.

However, it's essential to understand that while microlearning platforms can be beneficial for these groups, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. The success of microlearning also heavily depends on the design, content quality, and the relevance of the modules to the learner's needs. In some cases, a combination of microlearning with other training methods might be more effective.

Groundwork1: A Simple Approach to Modern Microlearning

Groundwork1 has demonstrating the effectiveness of microlearning courses through email. By seamlessly integrating learning into our daily routines, it addresses the challenges faced by modern-day learners. As we continue to adapt to an ever-evolving digital landscape, innovations like the Groundwork1 microlearning platform serve as a reminder that sometimes, the most profound changes come in the smallest packages.

employee training on laptop

Here to help

Whether you are deciding if this is the right solution for you or ready to send out your first employee training emails, our goal is to help simplify your team's training. Contact us today for a demo or sign up to try it out.